Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Have you ever had a mini-vacation in the middle of a meeting? You know, the kind where someone is going on, and on, and on, and on, and you realize 10 minutes later you have no idea what was just said because you were one million miles away in your thoughts? Hopefully you were nodding slightly and writing something down. Good cover. I took a million minis yesterday, but tomorrow I get to take a real one!

We are going on a mini-vacation to Sanibel Island for two nights! Yeah! And it's all thanks to Vacation Bible School. Really.

We have our big volunteer organizational meeting this Sunday for VBS. I've been getting ready for it all week. I've worked on the volunteer handbook, handouts, decorations, menu, etc. I found in planning that I was lacking proper motivation and inspiration. We're using LifeWay's Outrigger Island. Living in Florida, the theme is super easy to use and super easy to be complacent about. That is, unless you take off for a beach trip!

I need beach sand and sea shells for decorations, so why not get some fresh from Sanibel Island?

So now, I must get back to work. I have a lot to do to be ready to miss a half day of work before a big meeting. Isn't strange how much work it takes to be able to take a vacation?

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