I need to help Kendrick learn how to insert pictures between paragraphs. So now I'm writing a paragraph to have something to insert a picture in between. See picture below.
This is a picture of Kendrick's first-born child, Sophia Margaret Dyer. I used to have a cat named Margaret. She was evil. Sophia is not. She is very sweet. My kids still call her baby Sophia.
This is a picture of a quarter of Kendrick's face, and her second-born, Ethan Daniel Dyer. We call him Squire Dyer. You see, Kendrick is related to Daniel and Squire Boone. Hence the middle name. We think they should have gone with Squire.
Hey! I want this post gone. Actually, I'll let you keep it if you put in new pictures. Also, how did you get mine and Anne's blogs on there. 9 lbs., huh? Monday. You and me. At the Y.
I sure hope Kendrick figured it out from your fine example.
What a great picture of Sophia...I can't see anything.
Nevermind--now I see it. She's such a cutie! Why does Kendrick want this post gone??
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